
The second chapter of the exhibition in Verona and Vicenza , is dedicated to the history of the landscape in Europe and America from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Thus, in analyzing the main genres of painting , the first exhibition devoted to the history of the eye and thus the story of the portrait but also the description of the body, this will follow that aims to tell the study of nature in the seventeenth century , to reach the water lilies painted by Claude Monet in the early part of the twentieth century .
Through the use of more than ninety paintings from as always by some of the greatest museums in the world , and some valuable private collections , the exhibition will be divided into five sections that describe the fundamental moments related to the narrative of nature as made ​​autonomous and independent of all ‘ insertion of the figures. In short, the kind of emancipation of the image when the landscape is no longer seen as a simple theatrical backdrop , but stands as absolute divinity and dominant.



Monday to Thursday : 9-19
Friday and Sunday : 9-20 hours
Saturday : 9-21 hours


Tel +39 0422 429999
Fax +39 0422 308272


Monday to Friday , 9-13.30 and 14.30-18
Closed on Saturdays , Sundays and public holidays.